
(26th January 2017) 

The Friends were out recruiting at a Telford and Wrekin GP training event, Wolverhampton University campus.


Nest found by walkers

(23rd January 2017)

Wellington Walkers were out on the Reserve this week, clearing some of the paths over at the Donnerville Spinney and guess what they came across….. a beautiful little harvest mouse nest.


Pier on Tee Lake

(February 2017)

The Friends have been busy with pier construction at the northern end of Tee Lake. This will protect the bank from erosion.

Holly planting

(February 2017)

A busy month for us! We also planted a holly hedge.

Clearing reedmace


(17th January 2017)

The long pool north of the football pitch opposite the old Charlton School has become choked by reedmace. In line with Telford and Wrekin’s conservation plan the Friends are required to remove 50% of it over a period of 2 years to maintain a diverse habitat. Left to itself the pool would ultimately become a wood. There are two basic methods of reedmace removal – one is mechanical i.e. to use a JCB or similar, and the other is to use many hands in an unpleasant and hazardous environment. Using a JCB in this situation could cause damage to the environment and the Friends don’t have access to a great many hands, so they have devised a method using a 1000kg caravan winch, a fabricated grab hand and a canoe, to make light work of this task. Enjoy the video.



(9th January 2017)

Some of the Friends have been practicing the ancient art of coppicing in one of the woods on the reserve. As well as a vital source of materials for a variety of rural crafts, coppicing, is a recognised method of woodland management. A healthy wood, maximum diversity, maintains a good balance between its canopy, understory, field & ground layers. Conservation practices are used to maintain this balance, coppicing being one of them. The coppicing is carried out on an annual cycle moving through the wood and then returning to the first coppiced area in, let's say 7 years, to start the cycle again. Coppicing also rejuvenates the trees, some coppice stools are hundreds of years old and are an important genetic link back to ancient woodlands


Sequoiadendron giganteum (Wellingtonia)

 (6th December 2016)

Everything about this month's tree is on a massive scale. If you exclude fungi, it is the largest living organism on the planet. It is almost the tallest tree (the Californian Redwood being this, 366 feet tall). It has a girth of 80 feet (the ground floor size of most of our homes!) and lives for over 3000 years!!

We have a circle of these trees, just south of the Silkin Way. They are about 20 feet high and were probably seedlings the year 2000AD and thus planted to celebrate the new century. As these trees grow, they will become a major, if not the major feature, of the nature reserve and indeed Wellington. This is especially significant given their common name of Wellingtonia. Provided the park is protected from development, they could still be here in the year 5000AD!!! Not a bad legacy from us, to pass on to future generations.

Mike Hughes.

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