The Friends of Dothill LNR are an extremely active group, working in partnership with Telford & Wrekin Council, Wellington Town Council and Shropshire Wildlife Trust in implementing the area's Conservation Management Plan. The group is made up entirely of volunteers who undertake a range of activities including the removal of bramble, reedmace and Himalayan Balsam, coppicing, hedge laying, path tidying and litter picking. We are also involved in wildlife surveys and recording valuable data of species present on the site.

The committee of elected members, which meets on a monthly basis, oversees this activity - planning tasks for the weekly work parties, looking out for health & safety matters and the wellbeing of volunteers, and managing and monitoring the various habitats of the Reserve for the benefit of its users and its biodiversity.



Our volunteer work parties meet for a couple of hours every Tuesday. You can do as much or as little as you like, there is no pressure on anyone to do anything you don't want to do.

What you'll get out of it:

  • Fresh air
  • Exercise
  • Getting involved in Nature - it's really good for your wellbeing
  • Meeting new people - we are a friendly bunch and we have a laugh!
  • Giving something back, helping to develop and look after this lovely green space for the local community and visitors
  • It's a chance to learn new skills
  • Discover the flora and fauna living in the various habitats on the Reserve

Volunteering - young people

All children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

Everyone who volunteers is covered by Telford & Wrekin Council’s insurance when working on the Reserve.

Anyone under 18 is NOT insured to handle power tools. Our Membership Form asks under 18s to provide their date of birth.

Several of our regular volunteers are DBS checked.

Membership is free! We are always very keen to welcome new volunteers, so if you are interested in helping us in any way please download the form below (available as a PDF and a Word document) or for further details you can contact us via: 

Alternatively you can turn up on spec, do a session and then join up if it is to your liking. We always meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays - our meeting place is the container at the entrance off Harley Close - see below map for location.

Map showing container

FDSLNR Membership form March 2024 (pdf)

FDSLNR Membership form March 2024 (Word)


Debby B

11.05.2021 10:32

From this page I gather volunteers meet on a Tuesday. What time and where would I need to be to take part ?

Alec stewart

18.11.2019 15:18

Hi i work as a ranger in cardiff and we have tried an artificial bank ourselves. We are going to try a new one and I wondered if you had any breeding success with your design.

Leah Bishton

05.11.2019 08:24

Hi! I live right next to dothill and it is one fantastic place to walk dogs. I would love to volunteer here for Duke of Edinburgh. Thanks

Latest comments

29.10 | 09:14

Wellington UDC Sewage Works were just beyond the end of the blocks going north.

04.10 | 18:40

I think a water pipe or sewage pipe was supported on those blocks many years ago, they look pre war.

28.04 | 15:50

A big thank you to all you wonderful volunteers, what an amazing paradise you have developed.

03.04 | 14:38

What are the large concrete blocks that are along one of the paths in nature reserve walk please

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